I was dying to try this one but it was always sold out. When I finally got it, I had to wait till 9pm because the lights were out for Earth Hour and we couldn’t see what we were eating.

Edit: This cake is called 'Miss Marple' (strange to name a French crepe after an English stickybeak!)
Afterwards, we strolled over to aboutlife, that haven of healthiness, mostly organic and a little bit pricier, but full of food stuff that you just have to have.
I’ve never really been into the whole organic thing because the fruit and veg never seem to be that good-looking (sure, that Woolworths apple has been in cold storage for 9 months, but it’s so shiiiiny!). But if aboutlife was my local market, then I think I’d shop here more regularly. Lots of sauces, pastas, teas and waters in great packaging and that tinge of ‘righteousness’ about them.
I showed restraint and only got some pasta and sauce (because arrabbiata sounds like arriba!). My friend splashed out on several bags of organic coffee and soybeans. Now that’s a real enviro nut.